Would you like to be a part of our speaker lineup? Can you speak knowledgeably about hacking Cannabis? This
could be anything from reverse engineering Cannabis tech products to genetically engineering your own strain.
From using machine learning in your small grow-op to examining "reefer madness" from a social engineering and
propaganda perspective. These are merely guidelines so if you've an idea you think fits with the theme but isn't
listed here, please let us know anyway.
Please send a PLAIN TEXT email to info[a-t]puffpuffhack.com containing the following information:
- The title of your presentation
- Your basic information (pseudonyms are fine for now and during the presentation)
- Bio (again, specificity at your discretion)
- Talk outline
- Scheduling requests or considerations
- Links to slides and/or previous speaking engagements (though we encourage new speakers as well)